Photo by Sara Laufer
“Hi, I am an artist living and creating in the moment. The freedom of expression comes with a lot of doubt but beauty. Society isn't built to help artists create, we do it anyway and speak our truth. It's scary for people because there is no structure, just creation. You can try to put art in a box but thats not it’s nature. It's a free spirit wandering from energy to energy. I believe everyone is an artist, just have to open your box.”
Daniel Criblez is a surrealist multi-media artist & curator. He intuitively explores: sculpture, film, animation, painting, drawing & music.
Criblez is a curator at heart creating multi-sensory events & projects with his company, Ambient Pasta. Collaborating with his creative community of Brooklyn, he finds evidence of expression through chefs, musicians, visual artists, poets, filmmakers, writers & anyone interested in the arts. He has curated & produced 30+ events during his time in NYC.
Criblez creates music under his childhood nickname, Weeze. His music inspires his deep & experimental passion for filmmaking. He has released 2 densely layered short films; “The 8ugs R 7ruit” & “EVERYTHING’S A LIE” that were created in correlation with collections of music. His experimental creative mind set tends to warp his visual & audio perspectives for multi-disciplinary projects.
Working as a freelance graphic designer & animator, he has collaborated with many musicians & clients to create the visual side of their projects. He has a BFA in Sculpture from Lyme Academy of Fine Arts and has taught himself film/animation, music, graphic design & event producing.